So it rains a lot here, everyday it rains...
I wake up to beautiful blue skies with big poetic clouds, and by 2 pm, it's raining and grey.
Good thing I get in my pool time early!
I just want to say, the grass ain't always more fun on the other side. I am so bored! Nobody is hiring because of the holidays, plus, I am not considered a "local" which is all that is being hired currently. I clean, cook from scratch and clean. I am looking into taking sewing classes and the rest of the day is spent online looking for jobs or playing on Pinterest.
I can't wait to see my family again, and my friends. Thank god Alissa, Jason, Jamie and her Jason are coming to visit! I need it!
NOT complaining about how easy my life is by any means, but it's no fun not having your own money to kill time with ;)
I miss my American peeps and dog, but this adventure is so awesome, it keeps me sane and excited for the future.
Thanks for the support y'all! xoxo

Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Sunday, November 13, 2011
Asians eat some weird crap.
They also have no sense of walking or talking or standing or being in public.
Singapore: 1 Brittany: 0
They also have no sense of walking or talking or standing or being in public.
Singapore: 1 Brittany: 0
Thursday, November 10, 2011
I think I hate blogging.
I don't feel witty enough when I blog, and we all know I am witty, funny & good with words.
See, you smiled at that (cause it's true)
I made it to Singapore but BARELY.
It's officially been a week and I feel like it's been a month-not sure if that's good or bad. After losing my passport (only to find it in my slipper ONCE I got to Singapore) and having to cancel a really expensive flight-on top of the stress of saying goodbye yet again to my loved ones, pack a lot of crap in a tiny suitcase, sell my car, close all my accounts in the US and see that I am way below poverty level since I haven't worked since June, I finally made it here.
New passport: $195 and the gas it took to drive 1.5 hours to get it.
Cancel and rebooking of flights: $1700+
Misc. spenditures: $200+
Oh! ALSO, after getting my passport in hand and booking new flight, I thought I was in the clear. I was about to enjoy a lemon crepe with fresh strawberries with my girl Andrea when I got an email from Travelocity saying "You ain't flying tomorrow young lady" a nutshell, Travelocity sucks so I had to wake up Kris at 3 am for him to handle this situation because I was officially, MELTING THE EFF DOWN.
Were these all "signs" that I wasn't supposed to move here? I couldn't get that out of my head.
Having an entire row of three seats to myself on the leg from Tokyo was sooo the turning point of my luck.
NOW, if I could only get a job and pay all my debts that are not quite slowly mounting :)
Here is where I found that blasted passport! Grrr....
See, you smiled at that (cause it's true)
I made it to Singapore but BARELY.
It's officially been a week and I feel like it's been a month-not sure if that's good or bad. After losing my passport (only to find it in my slipper ONCE I got to Singapore) and having to cancel a really expensive flight-on top of the stress of saying goodbye yet again to my loved ones, pack a lot of crap in a tiny suitcase, sell my car, close all my accounts in the US and see that I am way below poverty level since I haven't worked since June, I finally made it here.
New passport: $195 and the gas it took to drive 1.5 hours to get it.
Cancel and rebooking of flights: $1700+
Misc. spenditures: $200+
Oh! ALSO, after getting my passport in hand and booking new flight, I thought I was in the clear. I was about to enjoy a lemon crepe with fresh strawberries with my girl Andrea when I got an email from Travelocity saying "You ain't flying tomorrow young lady" a nutshell, Travelocity sucks so I had to wake up Kris at 3 am for him to handle this situation because I was officially, MELTING THE EFF DOWN.
Were these all "signs" that I wasn't supposed to move here? I couldn't get that out of my head.
Having an entire row of three seats to myself on the leg from Tokyo was sooo the turning point of my luck.
NOW, if I could only get a job and pay all my debts that are not quite slowly mounting :)
Here is where I found that blasted passport! Grrr....
Thursday, October 6, 2011
My cup runneth over...
Spent last weekend with my brother, who flew in for the weekend from Washington and the rest of my amazing family.
Saturday my brother and I went to my paternal grandparents house and watched football, ate food and drank Budweisers until one am! I found my Grandma's old Barbies I used to play with, the 3rd Edition of Family Feud, Perry Como records and Matt's matchbox cars. We also made a POT HOLDER! Old school night! My Grandma also danced with my brother because "she didn't get to at his wedding" sweet.

Sunday we helped them with yardwork because Fall in Ohio is AMAZING. I rode with Gramps to the gas station to buy more Budweisers :)
We spent the rest of the day with my maternal grandparents and uncles. Played games, ate pumpkin muffins and once again, enjoyed the beautiful weather as a family.
This blog post doesn't really do the weekend justice, but I wanted to document it because I don't keep a handwritten journal, and I want everyone to know how grateful and LUCKY I am to have FIVE grandparents alive and healthy!
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Gramp's Ash Tray |

Sunday we helped them with yardwork because Fall in Ohio is AMAZING. I rode with Gramps to the gas station to buy more Budweisers :)
We spent the rest of the day with my maternal grandparents and uncles. Played games, ate pumpkin muffins and once again, enjoyed the beautiful weather as a family.
This blog post doesn't really do the weekend justice, but I wanted to document it because I don't keep a handwritten journal, and I want everyone to know how grateful and LUCKY I am to have FIVE grandparents alive and healthy!
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Life in Ohio
Time hasn't flown like I thought it would...after the road trip I started working at my friends restaurant/bar during the weekdays to not die of boredom.
I am getting to spend lots of time with my BFFF Janna, Andie, Laura, Emily, McGrew, Mom, Phyllis, Walter, Trudy, and other misc. awesome people. I bake alot, eat alot, sleep some, am trying to sell my car or else it's going to sit and rust at my Dad's trailer (yes, I said trailer, BUT it's a lovely trailer)...
I am ready to get to Singapore to get a real job again, wear cute clothes and painful shoes, make money to spend money and wake up next to the coolest dude I have ever met, Mister Kris.
It will be one year for that dude this October, so we have 2 more years left after that on his contract. I am so ready to be in a house with a big old yard already, BECAUSE I want Walter in my life everyday too ;)
Few pictures: My Grandma and Great-Grandma just turned 74 and 94 Sept. 18th!
Well, not too much exciting info to put in here and I don't feel particularly witty, nor funny today. Sorry. Off to Findlay this weekend to return to the blonde roots! Peace.
I am getting to spend lots of time with my BFFF Janna, Andie, Laura, Emily, McGrew, Mom, Phyllis, Walter, Trudy, and other misc. awesome people. I bake alot, eat alot, sleep some, am trying to sell my car or else it's going to sit and rust at my Dad's trailer (yes, I said trailer, BUT it's a lovely trailer)...
I am ready to get to Singapore to get a real job again, wear cute clothes and painful shoes, make money to spend money and wake up next to the coolest dude I have ever met, Mister Kris.
It will be one year for that dude this October, so we have 2 more years left after that on his contract. I am so ready to be in a house with a big old yard already, BECAUSE I want Walter in my life everyday too ;)
Few pictures: My Grandma and Great-Grandma just turned 74 and 94 Sept. 18th!
Laura done got herself hitched!
Well, not too much exciting info to put in here and I don't feel particularly witty, nor funny today. Sorry. Off to Findlay this weekend to return to the blonde roots! Peace.
Monday, August 29, 2011
Road Trip 2011 Journal
Road trip was to begin around 10 am, but we didn't leave until 1:29 pm...should have known this was going to be "different" than what I had imagined (in a good way!)
First stop: 4:01 pm for our first gas and pee break. We made a rule that we would stop to get gas once it reached half a tank for safety purposes, because we are after all, cute girls on a highway full of lonely truckers ;)
Distance traveled so far-187.9 miles
Pee break @ 5:19 pm
Pee break @ 7:12 pm (good grief, I know) and Alissa got a yucky Subway sandwich from a gas station (duh) and for her to take some motion sickness medicine for her unfortunate condition (and to put her motion sickness wristbands on, see below)
7:59 pm: had to stop for an emergency road side incident in Coeur D'Alene :)
9:24 pm: stopped for gas and found the BEST gift shop ever! It was in Montana and it was amazing. Oh, and we peed again.
Recap for the day: Phone died, 18 burps & farts (sorry, gross, but we were bored) and one shared 5-hour lemon-lime energy drink (worst flavor FYI), one book on tape, 73 huge dead Montana bugs glued to my car, Taco Bell at 12:12 am for $11.00 and slept at the Mountain View Inn in MT and ate expired oatmeal for breakfast.
Thursday, 8/18/11:
Finally getting on road at 10:32 am and discovered we were heading the wrong direction, turn around, time check-10:36 am.
632.9 miles in and screaming "Ain't going down until the sun comes up" by Garth Brooks while the sun beats down on us because we are too anal to use the AC.
Feet up, nail polish out, coffee in, and officially naming our journal "Farting our way across the USA".
I make Alissa listen to country music because "when in Rome", you listen to country music.
12:41 pm: stopped to pee and make sandwiches and stretch (we suck at road trips right?) and got a sunburn. Discovered Cool Ranch Doritos dipped in Cilantro hummus is amazing.
2:21 pm: Pee/stretch break :) Alissa is doing downward dog in front of the highway. Found hotel coupons! WHOO HOOO!
3:12 pm: Pee...again. Switched drivers and begrudgingly, drank another 5-hour energy drink.
3:35 pm: Brittany is freaking out post 5-hour energy drink! "I feel like I am on crack right now!" says Britt while driving 85 mph and talking on her cellphone, meanwhile, Alissa is laughing her tits off. Brittany-"I have a headache! I feel so alive! I feel like my head is in a vice grip! I want to take a nap! I feel like dancing with Gaga! I don't feel so good" (Those drinks are scary! Especially with other illegal substances!)
Alissa hears Brittany leave a voicemail for someone saying "Hey Goat Roper!"
Alissa says "Did you know I am related to Lewis from Lewis & Clark? Oh wait, no, I mean I am related to Clark."
Alissa confusing David Sedaris' voice with Phyllis Diller's.
4:46 pm: Stopped to pee and discovered my head is 1.3 inches bigger than Alissa's when my headband literally, fell of her head as soon as she put it on...and that Alissa gets 90's lesbian softball hair when the windows are rolled down for hours.
5:15 pm: got off 90E onto 212 finally! Another gas stop...
5:31 pm: Damn receipts flew out the window. I needed those.
8:34 pm: Left receipt that I needed. Pee break and creepy looks from the town folk. Discovered they make 5-hour energy drinks EXTRA STRENGTH! No way dudes, NO way.
9:14 pm: After getting pulled over for having a headlight out and the cop talking our ears off forever, we checked into a hotel in Spearfish, SD. No ticket! Free drinks from the hotel! Alissa ate her first frickle (fried pickle), we listened to mediocre karaoke, and drank wine in the hot tub. Thanks Mama Milam for our posh SD hotel!
Alissa exclaims: "This is the best day of my life!" (but later reveals she was talking about a memory she had from 4 years ago)
Brittany: "That old guy is either retarded or really, really drunk"
Friday, 8/1/9/11:
9:30 am and Lis asks a nice lady at the hotel, "How far away is that....uuhhhh...ummm, monument? The one with all the Presidents?" :)
Must fix headlight, get a nice young man to do it for us for free.
Distance so far-1,225 miles.
11:01 am: Mt. Rushmore! Pot Roast TOO! I buy 9 magnets cause I can.
12:39 pm: back on the road (but not for long!)
12:41 pm: "What purpose did and do pleats serve?" -BM
12:36 pm: "I wonder how many people died at Rushmore..." -BM
1:02 pm: Starbucks (this is the point where we remembered we had turned our underwear inside out because we didn't pack enough, and Alissa is wearing my extra pair that is too big for her tiny bum)
1:06 pm: "Looks like Black Hills BAGELS would have good ice cream." -AE
1:11 pm: After getting honked at by a trucker and realizing we have really short shorts on-"He's probably looking at my pubes." -AE (I still laugh really hard at this)
1:29 pm: Finally back on highway
2:42 pm: Stopped at Wall Drug and got Butter Pecan ice cream and a maple donut-and more souvenirs.
2:49 pm: On the road again...books on tape again....
5:36 pm: Gas/Pee
5:44 pm: Can't tell y'all what happened at this mark.
7:29 pm: PEE! 1,621,9 miles
9:28 pm: Bohemian Rhapsody really, really loudly and awesomely mimicked.

10:04 pm: Gas/Pee and Iowa smells pretty consistently like sewer poo.
Brit Road Mix #3 saved the day! We ate McDonald's because it was $2.50 for 2 sandwiches. This was followed up with a discussion about why poor people are so fat. Starts to get stormy and we are awed at the fantastic lightning happening all around us!
12:10 am: Found some cool new music on the only radio station that wasn't static.
1:24 am: We 'SHOOP'ed our lungs out! We each knew every. single. word.
2:10 am: Checked in the nastiest hotel we have ever been in! There were old groceries and Oktoberfest beers in the fridge, pubes on the toilet, mold on the toilet and trash behind the desk. ICK! We still slept there ;)
Saturday, 8/20/11:
Finally up and at 'em and on the road at 10:30 am. Whoops.
2, 054.5 miles.
12:20 pm: Illinois! (My brother pronounces the "S")
1:01 pm: Pee. Switch drivers. Alissa has driven most of the way, which I am completely okay with ;)
1:23 pm: I joined a Viper car club, claiming "I am so one of them!" I interrupted their parade by squeezing in and chillin' out for a few miles before I realized, it will never be...sorry Mazda, I heart you.
2:27 pm: pee break
3:53 pm: Chipotle in a college town! Univ. of Illinois seems not as fun as OSU. Alissa wrote "Champagne", IL and then under it, "you get my drift" (she meant Champaign)
4:10 pm: My credit card is declined because my bank saw "unusual activity across the USA" and put a hold on it. I had to call and accept EVERY charge for the last 3 days (which was a lot). I try to pump gas and get sidetracked with washing bugs off car, thought it was done filling, tried to print receipt and it wouldn't so I go ask the clerk to print me one and he says, "Umm, you haven't pumped any gas yet." Whoops. Alissa is rubbing off on me, between the two of us, we have about a 62% working brain.
5:02 pm: First "Jesus Save Me Fish" sighting! Indiana of course.
5:28 pm: Rainbow!
7:03 pm: Cincinnati signage!
7:22 pm: Gas/Coffee we didn't drink, Alissa is now driving
7:37 pm: Credit card reactivated yo!
8:12 pm: OHIO! HOME! Mom love!
2,544,8 miles
I wouldn't have wanted to do this with any other person...Alissa Eardley, I love you so much. You're my carrots and I am your peas.
Our food tally:
Hotel biscuits & gravy, Salami & cheese sandwiches x 4, Caramel popcorn from a gas station, Frickles!, Loaded tator tots, Donut, Ice Cream, Pot Roast/Potato Soup, Subway, waffles, Fritos, Doritos, BBQ & Sour cream & onion chips, Peanut Butter pretzels, Chipotle, Taco Bell, McDonaldds and some fruit ;)
Road trip was to begin around 10 am, but we didn't leave until 1:29 pm...should have known this was going to be "different" than what I had imagined (in a good way!)
First stop: 4:01 pm for our first gas and pee break. We made a rule that we would stop to get gas once it reached half a tank for safety purposes, because we are after all, cute girls on a highway full of lonely truckers ;)
Distance traveled so far-187.9 miles
Pee break @ 5:19 pm
Pee break @ 7:12 pm (good grief, I know) and Alissa got a yucky Subway sandwich from a gas station (duh) and for her to take some motion sickness medicine for her unfortunate condition (and to put her motion sickness wristbands on, see below)
9:24 pm: stopped for gas and found the BEST gift shop ever! It was in Montana and it was amazing. Oh, and we peed again.
Recap for the day: Phone died, 18 burps & farts (sorry, gross, but we were bored) and one shared 5-hour lemon-lime energy drink (worst flavor FYI), one book on tape, 73 huge dead Montana bugs glued to my car, Taco Bell at 12:12 am for $11.00 and slept at the Mountain View Inn in MT and ate expired oatmeal for breakfast.
Thursday, 8/18/11:
Finally getting on road at 10:32 am and discovered we were heading the wrong direction, turn around, time check-10:36 am.
632.9 miles in and screaming "Ain't going down until the sun comes up" by Garth Brooks while the sun beats down on us because we are too anal to use the AC.
Feet up, nail polish out, coffee in, and officially naming our journal "Farting our way across the USA".
I make Alissa listen to country music because "when in Rome", you listen to country music.
12:41 pm: stopped to pee and make sandwiches and stretch (we suck at road trips right?) and got a sunburn. Discovered Cool Ranch Doritos dipped in Cilantro hummus is amazing.
2:21 pm: Pee/stretch break :) Alissa is doing downward dog in front of the highway. Found hotel coupons! WHOO HOOO!
3:12 pm: Pee...again. Switched drivers and begrudgingly, drank another 5-hour energy drink.
3:35 pm: Brittany is freaking out post 5-hour energy drink! "I feel like I am on crack right now!" says Britt while driving 85 mph and talking on her cellphone, meanwhile, Alissa is laughing her tits off. Brittany-"I have a headache! I feel so alive! I feel like my head is in a vice grip! I want to take a nap! I feel like dancing with Gaga! I don't feel so good" (Those drinks are scary! Especially with other illegal substances!)
Alissa hears Brittany leave a voicemail for someone saying "Hey Goat Roper!"
Alissa says "Did you know I am related to Lewis from Lewis & Clark? Oh wait, no, I mean I am related to Clark."
Alissa confusing David Sedaris' voice with Phyllis Diller's.
4:46 pm: Stopped to pee and discovered my head is 1.3 inches bigger than Alissa's when my headband literally, fell of her head as soon as she put it on...and that Alissa gets 90's lesbian softball hair when the windows are rolled down for hours.
5:15 pm: got off 90E onto 212 finally! Another gas stop...
5:31 pm: Damn receipts flew out the window. I needed those.
8:34 pm: Left receipt that I needed. Pee break and creepy looks from the town folk. Discovered they make 5-hour energy drinks EXTRA STRENGTH! No way dudes, NO way.
9:14 pm: After getting pulled over for having a headlight out and the cop talking our ears off forever, we checked into a hotel in Spearfish, SD. No ticket! Free drinks from the hotel! Alissa ate her first frickle (fried pickle), we listened to mediocre karaoke, and drank wine in the hot tub. Thanks Mama Milam for our posh SD hotel!
Alissa exclaims: "This is the best day of my life!" (but later reveals she was talking about a memory she had from 4 years ago)
Brittany: "That old guy is either retarded or really, really drunk"
Friday, 8/1/9/11:
9:30 am and Lis asks a nice lady at the hotel, "How far away is that....uuhhhh...ummm, monument? The one with all the Presidents?" :)
Must fix headlight, get a nice young man to do it for us for free.
Distance so far-1,225 miles.
11:01 am: Mt. Rushmore! Pot Roast TOO! I buy 9 magnets cause I can.
12:39 pm: back on the road (but not for long!)
12:41 pm: "What purpose did and do pleats serve?" -BM
12:36 pm: "I wonder how many people died at Rushmore..." -BM
1:02 pm: Starbucks (this is the point where we remembered we had turned our underwear inside out because we didn't pack enough, and Alissa is wearing my extra pair that is too big for her tiny bum)
1:06 pm: "Looks like Black Hills BAGELS would have good ice cream." -AE
1:11 pm: After getting honked at by a trucker and realizing we have really short shorts on-"He's probably looking at my pubes." -AE (I still laugh really hard at this)
1:29 pm: Finally back on highway
2:42 pm: Stopped at Wall Drug and got Butter Pecan ice cream and a maple donut-and more souvenirs.
2:49 pm: On the road again...books on tape again....
5:36 pm: Gas/Pee
5:44 pm: Can't tell y'all what happened at this mark.
7:29 pm: PEE! 1,621,9 miles
9:28 pm: Bohemian Rhapsody really, really loudly and awesomely mimicked.

10:04 pm: Gas/Pee and Iowa smells pretty consistently like sewer poo.
Brit Road Mix #3 saved the day! We ate McDonald's because it was $2.50 for 2 sandwiches. This was followed up with a discussion about why poor people are so fat. Starts to get stormy and we are awed at the fantastic lightning happening all around us!
12:10 am: Found some cool new music on the only radio station that wasn't static.
1:24 am: We 'SHOOP'ed our lungs out! We each knew every. single. word.
2:10 am: Checked in the nastiest hotel we have ever been in! There were old groceries and Oktoberfest beers in the fridge, pubes on the toilet, mold on the toilet and trash behind the desk. ICK! We still slept there ;)
Saturday, 8/20/11:
Finally up and at 'em and on the road at 10:30 am. Whoops.
2, 054.5 miles.
12:20 pm: Illinois! (My brother pronounces the "S")
1:01 pm: Pee. Switch drivers. Alissa has driven most of the way, which I am completely okay with ;)
1:23 pm: I joined a Viper car club, claiming "I am so one of them!" I interrupted their parade by squeezing in and chillin' out for a few miles before I realized, it will never be...sorry Mazda, I heart you.
2:27 pm: pee break
3:53 pm: Chipotle in a college town! Univ. of Illinois seems not as fun as OSU. Alissa wrote "Champagne", IL and then under it, "you get my drift" (she meant Champaign)
4:10 pm: My credit card is declined because my bank saw "unusual activity across the USA" and put a hold on it. I had to call and accept EVERY charge for the last 3 days (which was a lot). I try to pump gas and get sidetracked with washing bugs off car, thought it was done filling, tried to print receipt and it wouldn't so I go ask the clerk to print me one and he says, "Umm, you haven't pumped any gas yet." Whoops. Alissa is rubbing off on me, between the two of us, we have about a 62% working brain.
5:02 pm: First "Jesus Save Me Fish" sighting! Indiana of course.
5:28 pm: Rainbow!
7:03 pm: Cincinnati signage!
7:22 pm: Gas/Coffee we didn't drink, Alissa is now driving
7:37 pm: Credit card reactivated yo!
8:12 pm: OHIO! HOME! Mom love!
2,544,8 miles
I wouldn't have wanted to do this with any other person...Alissa Eardley, I love you so much. You're my carrots and I am your peas.
Our food tally:
Hotel biscuits & gravy, Salami & cheese sandwiches x 4, Caramel popcorn from a gas station, Frickles!, Loaded tator tots, Donut, Ice Cream, Pot Roast/Potato Soup, Subway, waffles, Fritos, Doritos, BBQ & Sour cream & onion chips, Peanut Butter pretzels, Chipotle, Taco Bell, McDonaldds and some fruit ;)
Mass Update
Y'all have probably seen/heard about the last month of crazy travel & adventure somehow, but for those of you who haven't and keep asking...please read further :)
I left Singapore August 8th (First Class baby! Sorry, had to say it) to fly to Seattle because my brother Matt's wedding was August 12th in Ohio. Traveling with Matt and two of his friends was stressful because obviously, they are men & can't use their brains the way women can. Tami looked gorgeous and Matt cleaned up well, the wedding was simple, fun, romantic and happy. My grandparents from all sides came and I cannot believe I get to say this, THEY DANCED! Even my Dad was on his best, fun behavior. (See pictures)
Flew back to Bellingham Sunday the 14th and Alissa and I left Wednesday the 17th to DRIVE across the country in my little Mazda 6. It took us 3.5 days & we documented the entire trip in a journal I will type up and let y'all read shortly.
Now I am sitting at my Mom's apartment in Wilmington, finally finding some peace & quiet, doing laundry and since my cell phone isn't working, I have loads of time to catch up this blog thing.
I left Singapore August 8th (First Class baby! Sorry, had to say it) to fly to Seattle because my brother Matt's wedding was August 12th in Ohio. Traveling with Matt and two of his friends was stressful because obviously, they are men & can't use their brains the way women can. Tami looked gorgeous and Matt cleaned up well, the wedding was simple, fun, romantic and happy. My grandparents from all sides came and I cannot believe I get to say this, THEY DANCED! Even my Dad was on his best, fun behavior. (See pictures)
Flew back to Bellingham Sunday the 14th and Alissa and I left Wednesday the 17th to DRIVE across the country in my little Mazda 6. It took us 3.5 days & we documented the entire trip in a journal I will type up and let y'all read shortly.
Now I am sitting at my Mom's apartment in Wilmington, finally finding some peace & quiet, doing laundry and since my cell phone isn't working, I have loads of time to catch up this blog thing.
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
In a nutshell, Perth weather was PERFECTLY Bellingham and it made my soul do a little jig. I got to wear a rain jacket, scarf and a t-shirt with jeans and flip-flops. PERFECT.
Driving along the coast and seeing the Indian Ocean, vineyards and even a kangaroo jump across the road while we were driving was so relaxing. I ate some of the richest, most decadant foods and drank some really, really lovely wine. (Sorry Grandma!)
Here is a picture of Perth at night, a map of where Perth is and some of wine country:
Driving along the coast and seeing the Indian Ocean, vineyards and even a kangaroo jump across the road while we were driving was so relaxing. I ate some of the richest, most decadant foods and drank some really, really lovely wine. (Sorry Grandma!)
Here is a picture of Perth at night, a map of where Perth is and some of wine country:
Asians LOVE Bad Music
My fifty-plus cab driver has a Justin Bieber song, "Baby" I think, as his RINGTONE.
I walked into a clothing store as Sisqo's "Thong Song" came on...
Most shopping malls play really bad American music: Enrique, LOTS of that Buble (sp) dude, lots of boy bands and terrible female singers from the 2000's. LOTS of bad stuff happening to my ears over here. Thank goodness I can stand Lady Gaga, Rhianna (sp) and even Beiber.
Words get lost in translation a lot over here! Thongs have multiple meanings...their caesar salad literally has dead anchovies lying in it, and they don't respond to "bathroom/restroom" because they call them "toilets" which I find weird. They eat every part of every animal and I will NEVER get used to that. Simple things can be complicated between myself and someone else like asking for salt & pepper, limes or a sugar packet.
Grocery shopping is still overwhelming and completely ridiculously priced. ONE apple cost me $2.45 and plain ol'yellow mustard is $6.45. I miss America and will never, ever complain about it again.
Americans need to quit whining :) Asians never complain, they are a calm bunch over here. Australians can be intense and complain about America but overall, they are quite an attractive bunch.
Sake is a whole lot better over here as is lime juice.
McDonald's DELIVERS 24-hours a day. DELIVERS, yes...DELIVERS.
I come home in less than a week and I can't wait! I mean, I can barely sleep and I have already started packing! Singapore will grow on me, but for now, I love Bellingham and I love Ohio with all my big beating heart.
I walked into a clothing store as Sisqo's "Thong Song" came on...
Most shopping malls play really bad American music: Enrique, LOTS of that Buble (sp) dude, lots of boy bands and terrible female singers from the 2000's. LOTS of bad stuff happening to my ears over here. Thank goodness I can stand Lady Gaga, Rhianna (sp) and even Beiber.
Words get lost in translation a lot over here! Thongs have multiple meanings...their caesar salad literally has dead anchovies lying in it, and they don't respond to "bathroom/restroom" because they call them "toilets" which I find weird. They eat every part of every animal and I will NEVER get used to that. Simple things can be complicated between myself and someone else like asking for salt & pepper, limes or a sugar packet.
Grocery shopping is still overwhelming and completely ridiculously priced. ONE apple cost me $2.45 and plain ol'yellow mustard is $6.45. I miss America and will never, ever complain about it again.
Americans need to quit whining :) Asians never complain, they are a calm bunch over here. Australians can be intense and complain about America but overall, they are quite an attractive bunch.
Sake is a whole lot better over here as is lime juice.
McDonald's DELIVERS 24-hours a day. DELIVERS, yes...DELIVERS.
I come home in less than a week and I can't wait! I mean, I can barely sleep and I have already started packing! Singapore will grow on me, but for now, I love Bellingham and I love Ohio with all my big beating heart.
Sunday, July 17, 2011
Thursday, July 14, 2011
It's finally raining here...FINALLY. Heading to a movie which isn't as FUN as it in in the states because the movies here are 9 months old! Here are some pictures of Singapore, and for those of you (you know who you are) that thought Singapore was in Washington-here is a map :)
Saturday, July 9, 2011
Random Sunday thoughts...
I googled "fall in Bellingham, WA" when I woke up because today, I feel homesick in a bad way. I am craving apple trees, the smell of a brisk morning, trees, trees and more trees, hiking Padden with Japhy/Walter, kissing Jace's chubby cheeks, the Farmer's Market, Boundary Bay Scotch, AVELLINO caramel lattes, my girlfriend's, bike riding, birds chirping and the taste of organic everything and paying under $10 for it all ;)
I am so excited to be coming back for 2.5 months to the greatest place in the USA and during the fall as well...I also feel the same way about Ohio during these months. College football (although tarnished), pumpkin patches, Grandparents, Mom's cooking and jeans! I miss wearing jeans!
It is so stagnant and hot here that my hair is always a mess, I am always re-applying deodorant and changing 3 times a day, but I am still having fun, loving life and meeting new crazy foreigners! I still can't understand Aussies and Kiwi's when they talk super fast, I still don't understand the appeal of cell phone jewelry and I don't understand how it's not mandatory to keep toilet paper in restrooms, err "toilets" as they call them, at all times!
Off to have a Mexican Fiesta with a bunch of non-Americans by the pool :)
I am so excited to be coming back for 2.5 months to the greatest place in the USA and during the fall as well...I also feel the same way about Ohio during these months. College football (although tarnished), pumpkin patches, Grandparents, Mom's cooking and jeans! I miss wearing jeans!
It is so stagnant and hot here that my hair is always a mess, I am always re-applying deodorant and changing 3 times a day, but I am still having fun, loving life and meeting new crazy foreigners! I still can't understand Aussies and Kiwi's when they talk super fast, I still don't understand the appeal of cell phone jewelry and I don't understand how it's not mandatory to keep toilet paper in restrooms, err "toilets" as they call them, at all times!
Off to have a Mexican Fiesta with a bunch of non-Americans by the pool :)
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
Apartment Photos
Not the best shots, and I probably could have picked up my clothes before snapping, but I didn't :)
Three bedrooms (one is my closet, another is an office), two bathrooms (which Asians call "toilets", they don't know what bathroom/restrooms are) and a huge balcony, living room and storage area. I dig it...Can't wait for any of you to come see it!
Three bedrooms (one is my closet, another is an office), two bathrooms (which Asians call "toilets", they don't know what bathroom/restrooms are) and a huge balcony, living room and storage area. I dig it...Can't wait for any of you to come see it!
Monday, July 4, 2011
Hong Kong Adventure
It's hot everywhere over here in case anyone was curious...
Spent 3 days in Hong Kong and pretty much was the epitome of a tourist-camera around my neck and all. My favorite part was the big Buddha-it's literally the biggest Buddha that has ever been man made and it took a super scary cable car ride and a hike up to see, but worth it. I wanted to leave a gift, as expected, but all I had in my bag was chapstick, a camera, sunglasses, Purell and a packet of Emergen-C. Nothing appropriate, but I did attempt to leave the packet of vitamins, but reconsidered once I saw the millions of flowers, oranges, candles, money and other lavious gifts being left. Damn me and my American-ness.
The night life is bumping, as with all night life over here it seems. People are funny, some nice, some super inconsiderate. I now know what it feels like to be a minority and it can be annoying, but then again, I know I stick out and I know I am different and I know that nobody will purposefully make me feel uncomfortable. Does that make sense? I also can't find shoes to fit my size 9 feet over here, which is probably a good thing since I own over 100, BUT good grief...a 9 isn't that big! And I am still proud of this thing called a "booty", but many clothes options over here are "One size fits all" and that ain't true. Ain't no Asian with one of these corn fed Ohio country booties cause I can't find pants either!
The plane ride back was one of the top three worst ones. An Indian girl about age 4 sat behind me and proceeded to kick the tarnations out of my seat, even after I asked FOUR times for her to stop. She also found it fun to play with the tray and window shades and scream at her parents WHO promptly ignored her or just said "Shhh!". She was one of those kids that if you spanked, people would applaud, not judge.
Holy crap I am tired from walking...and typing. Cell phone jewelry is HILARIOUS FYI. See y'all in five weeks!
Spent 3 days in Hong Kong and pretty much was the epitome of a tourist-camera around my neck and all. My favorite part was the big Buddha-it's literally the biggest Buddha that has ever been man made and it took a super scary cable car ride and a hike up to see, but worth it. I wanted to leave a gift, as expected, but all I had in my bag was chapstick, a camera, sunglasses, Purell and a packet of Emergen-C. Nothing appropriate, but I did attempt to leave the packet of vitamins, but reconsidered once I saw the millions of flowers, oranges, candles, money and other lavious gifts being left. Damn me and my American-ness.
The night life is bumping, as with all night life over here it seems. People are funny, some nice, some super inconsiderate. I now know what it feels like to be a minority and it can be annoying, but then again, I know I stick out and I know I am different and I know that nobody will purposefully make me feel uncomfortable. Does that make sense? I also can't find shoes to fit my size 9 feet over here, which is probably a good thing since I own over 100, BUT good grief...a 9 isn't that big! And I am still proud of this thing called a "booty", but many clothes options over here are "One size fits all" and that ain't true. Ain't no Asian with one of these corn fed Ohio country booties cause I can't find pants either!
The plane ride back was one of the top three worst ones. An Indian girl about age 4 sat behind me and proceeded to kick the tarnations out of my seat, even after I asked FOUR times for her to stop. She also found it fun to play with the tray and window shades and scream at her parents WHO promptly ignored her or just said "Shhh!". She was one of those kids that if you spanked, people would applaud, not judge.
Holy crap I am tired from walking...and typing. Cell phone jewelry is HILARIOUS FYI. See y'all in five weeks!
Monday, June 27, 2011
Penang, Malaysia
Went to Penang last weekend for a three day venture with an American, 3 Aussie's and a Brit. I can't understand half the things they say, but pretended and it all seemed to workout ;)
We didn't have the best luck with food ventures, but once we did find food-it was pretty stinkin' good. I am trying my hardest to be open-minded and try new things and so far, I haven't gotten sick which is HUGE for me.
We almost got attacked by 14 monkey's on a beach which was scary at the time, but if we did get attacked, it would have been a funny story to tell now...darn. The people were really nice and friendly, especially the children. Things were really cheap and they had some cool buildings, markets and a hoppin' nightlife full of terrible techno music, karaoke, and women who were really men :)
I am grateful for the opportunities to see some really cool places and learn a lot about myself (and deal with my OCD on a whole new level).
One week down, five weeks to go before I come home and dominate American with hugs and kisses.
Off to Hong Kong this weekend...xoxo
Thursday, June 23, 2011
Singapore Update
Day Three in Singapore: I am no longer jet-lagged, but still "old", as I am ready for bed at 8 pm! I literally feel asleep at a restaurant, on the train, and on a set of golf clubs standing upright (I know right!). I have had lots of free time to explore, and only got lost once. I can't explain how good and abundant the food options are! Although Kris and I are amazing cooks (and made awesome dinners twice), it's fun to eat out. The grocery shopping takes patience and a black American Express credit card limit. Items that are super cheap in the states (fun to say "the states") and expensive here are canned tuna, all fruits & vegetables, oatmeal, cheese (a block of Tillamook was $17.00!!) and well, everything else too :)
You literally can't look further than ten feet without seeing 532 of the world's largest shopping centers-they are endless, maze-like and full of temptation. There are familiar places like Forever 21, Gap, Auntie Anne's, Outback Steakhouses, Kenny Roger's Roasters! but no Targets, unfortunately. There are more coffee shops here than anywhere else in the world, I would put American money on it.
I played indoor golf last night, went crazy in Ikea, assembled said Ikea furniture & have a blister and an upside down dresser to prove it, mopped the white marble floors four times, found the cheapest wine on the island at $13.90 (I promise I don't drink Grandma!) and lounged by the pool only once so far. I take the train everywhere possible but cabs are nice here because you don't have to tip! Ever!
Six of us Expats (expatriates) are leaving for Penang (Malaysia) tomorrow for fun in the sun! Update you when we get back!
You literally can't look further than ten feet without seeing 532 of the world's largest shopping centers-they are endless, maze-like and full of temptation. There are familiar places like Forever 21, Gap, Auntie Anne's, Outback Steakhouses, Kenny Roger's Roasters! but no Targets, unfortunately. There are more coffee shops here than anywhere else in the world, I would put American money on it.
I played indoor golf last night, went crazy in Ikea, assembled said Ikea furniture & have a blister and an upside down dresser to prove it, mopped the white marble floors four times, found the cheapest wine on the island at $13.90 (I promise I don't drink Grandma!) and lounged by the pool only once so far. I take the train everywhere possible but cabs are nice here because you don't have to tip! Ever!
Six of us Expats (expatriates) are leaving for Penang (Malaysia) tomorrow for fun in the sun! Update you when we get back!
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
Making another "home"...
I am going to make a conscious effort to BLOG to keep family and friends in the crazy fun loop that will be my life.
I am moving to Singapore Sunday, June 19th and will be returning for my brother's wedding August 12th, and then moving back in October after a close friend's wedding.
I would like to thank LIFE for giving me this unique, fortunate opportunity to live outside the good ol' USA. I never dreamed this big, I never actually thought I would vacation outside the USA let alone LIVE.
I am sincerely thankful for the support I have received from my amazing Mother, Grandparents, Dad, sister, brother, sister-in-law, crazy cousins/aunts/uncles/animals, friends and Kris and his wonderful, loving family.
I love my life, I love living it and I cannot wait to see what lies ahead for this small town country girl from Ohio.
I am moving to Singapore Sunday, June 19th and will be returning for my brother's wedding August 12th, and then moving back in October after a close friend's wedding.
I would like to thank LIFE for giving me this unique, fortunate opportunity to live outside the good ol' USA. I never dreamed this big, I never actually thought I would vacation outside the USA let alone LIVE.
I am sincerely thankful for the support I have received from my amazing Mother, Grandparents, Dad, sister, brother, sister-in-law, crazy cousins/aunts/uncles/animals, friends and Kris and his wonderful, loving family.
I love my life, I love living it and I cannot wait to see what lies ahead for this small town country girl from Ohio.
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